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The Battle of Mon Cala or the Battle of Mon Calamari was a large-scale battle during the Clone Wars on the planet of Mon Cala. The battle happened due to the conflict between the Mon Calamari and the Quarren species.

The Quarren joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems and fought against the Mon Calamari who had the backing of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. The battle ultimately ended when the Quarren decided to join with the Mon Calamari against the Separatist again.


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The Battle[]

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Behind the Scenes[]

It can be assumed that Tikkes leads his own band of Quarren and this is why the Quarren in this story haven't yet joined the Separatist until the battle and then leave straight afterwards yet Tikkes is still on the Separatist Council during Darth Vader's mission to Mustafar.


  • Tarkin audiobook (Mentioned only)
  • "Ocean Rescue"—Star Wars Rebels Magazine 12 (Indirect mention only)
  • Marvel-logo Allegiance 3 (Mentioned only)