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The electrostaff.

Electrostaffs were an type of weapon designed by Holowan Mechanics. They were most famously used by magnaguards of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which were also designed by Holowan Mechanics. Some pirates managed to get a hold of a few electrostaffs, such as Hondo Ohnaka, who was seen using his staff during a skirmish on the planet Felucia. Inquisitor guards duel with Jedi. During the years before the Battle of Yavin, rogue clone troopers; Rex, Wolf, and Gregor had a pair of electrostaffs in their modified AT-TE walker on Seelos before being recruited by the Lothal Rebels in to the Rebellion. Bounty Hunter Sarco Plank also used a electrostaff during the Galactic Civil War and used it to duel rebel Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker on the planet Devaron.

